Note: Any textbook you order through ClassGather will automatically be added to your inventory.
If you have purchased textbooks outside of Ingram Educational Services or need to manually add additional textbook count to an item already in your physical inventory, please follow the below directions.
Step 1
Select "Titles" from the Menu.
Step 2
Click the "+ Action" button
Step 3
Select the "Add inventory" button and click "Next"
Step 4
Select the location from the list that you wish to add more books
Step 5
Click the next button after you have selected to location.
Step 6
Select the textbook titles that you wish to add more quantity. You can use the filter options on the left hand side to search by keyword/title/ISBN-13.
Step 7
Select the "Next" button to proceed. This button may be at the bottom of the page
Step 8
Input the quantity for each title that you wish to add and click the "Next" button to proceed
Step 9
Review the summary page to confirm what you have entered. You can also include the PO number, comments, and a reference id if you choose. Click "Submit" when you are ready to proceed.
Step 10
You will see a confirmation page that outlines the action you just completed. When you are ready click the "Done" button to return to the inventory page.
If you need additional assistance, please refer to How do I get additional support?
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