The Quotes page provides a list of quotes that you have generated. Quotes include the cost of the selected textbooks and shipping. From the quotes section, you can proceed to placing an order for the selected items.
Note: To order from a selected quote, you must provide a purchase order (PO) number. It is important to please review the Ship To: section of the order before placing it to ensure the books are sent to the correct location.
On the main body section of this page, you will see a list of previously requested quotes. Additional details such as the quote number, bill to, ship to, subtotal, shipping, total, the date created, and the date the quote expires
Quotes stay active for 120 days from the date generated.
The following options are available on the left side of the Quotes page.
Keyword Search: You can search your available quotes by keyword.
Bill To: Allows you to search your available quotes by Bill To location.
Ship To: Allows you to search your available quotes by Bill To location. |
Quote Details
By clicking on a quote from the list, you will see the quote details page.
On this page, you can see the details of the titles that are included in this quote and can click “Order Now” when you are ready to place the order.
At the top of the screen, you will see the Quote number along with the date it was created and the expiration date of this quote.
On the left side of the screen, you will see the bill to, ship to, subtotal, shipping, and total. You also have the option to download or print this quote. If you wish to have this quote emailed, you can add multiple email addresses to the email box. |
Important Tip: It is recommended that you download a PDF version of the quote to provide to your district finance department as part of the Purchase Order (PO) process.
When you are ready to order, click the “Order Now” button. This will bring up the check-out window.
To submit the order, you will be required to enter a Purchase Order Number (PO) before the “Submit Order” button will be clickable.
Note: Before placing your order, please confirm the Ship To address and the items and quantities that you will be ordering.
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